The following word-list of 'Nordic' or 'Blue-Eyed English', devised by Grainger, and used extensively in his writings, has been compiled by Teresa Balough. This glossary does not purport to be complete as new terms frequently turn up as more of Grainger's writings become available. ABACK-TAKE-MENT: surprise (Fr., L.) ABACK-TAKING: surprising (Fr., L.) ABOUNDMENT: abundance (O.Fr. - L.) ABOUT-CHANGING: alternative (L.) ADD-UP-MAN: accountant (O.Fr. - L.) AFTER-APEMENTS: imitations (L.) AFTER-APING imitating (L.) AFTER-ONE-ANOTHERSOME: successive (L.) AFTER-WRIT: postscript (L.) AGAIN-BIRTH: reincarnation (L./Low L.-L.) AGAIN-KEN: recognise (O. Fre. - L.) AGAINST-NESS: opposition (L.) AGAINST-TONE: counter melody (Fr., -L; Fr., -Late L.-Fr.) AGAINST-WEIGHSOME: compensatory (L.) AHEAD-GUARD: advance guard (O. Fre. - L.) AIR-HOLE: ventilation (L.) AIR-SUCK-MENT: air suction (L.) ALL-FOR-ALL-LIFE: socialism (Fr., -L.) ALL-FOR-ALL-LIFE-SOME: socialistic (Fr., -L.) ALL-FREETH: nature (Fr., -L.) ALL-LAMEDNESS: paralysis (Gr.) ALL-MANKIND-LIKE: universal (L.) ALL-OF-A-PIECE-LY: consistently (L.) ALL-OF-A-PIECE-NESS: uniformity (L.) ALL-OF-ONE-PIECE-LY: consistently (L.) ALLOWANCE: permission (L.) ALLROUND: general (O. Fr., -L.) ALL-SCHOOL: university (L.) ALL-SCHOOL LORE-PRIEST: university professor (L./L.) ALL-SCHOOL-SOME: university (adj.) (L.) ALL-SCHOOL TEACH-BOSS: university professor (L./L.) ALL-SOME: complete (L.) ALL-STIR: nature (Fr., L.) ALL-THEED-SOME: cosmopolitan (Gr.) ALL-WEATHER: climate (O.Fr., Gr.) ALL-WORLD-SOME: cosmic (Gr.) ALREADY-SAID-NESSES: platitudes (Fr.) ALTAR-SLAIN: sacrificed (L.) ALTAR-SLAY: sacrifice (L.) ALTAR-SLAYTH: devotion (L.) AMERICAN LAND-VOW-TAKER: naturalised American citizen (L./M.E.-O.Fr.) ANGEL-WINE: inspiration (L.) ANGEL-WINED: inspired (L.) ARMY-BOSS: general (O.Fr., -L.) AROUND-SCAPE: panorama (Gr.) ART-MAN: artist (Fr., It.-L.) ART-MAN‵S: artist’s (Fr., It.-L) ART-OUGHT-CODE: artist’s code (Fr., It.-L.) ARTSOME: artistic (Fr., It.-L.) ART-SUNDERMENT: movement (O.Fr.-L.) AS AGAINST: opposed (L.) AS-FIRST-WAS: original (Fr.-L.) ASKMENT: question (O.Fr.,-L.) AT-BEING: present (O.Fr.,-L.) AT-CAME: arrived (O.Fr.,-L.) AT-COMTH: arrival (O.Fr., -L.) AT-FINDMENT: invention (L.) AT-FIRSTLY: originally (Fr.-L.) ATLANTIC MIND: the type of mind born of the harsh Atlantic weather AT-LAST-SOME: final (Fr., -L.) ATNESS: presence (O.Fr.,-L.) AT-ONED AT-PART: role (Fr.) AT-REST-SET: satisfied (O.Fr.-L.) AT-SLANT: attitude (Fr. or It. from L.L.) ATSOME: present (O.Fr., -L.) AT-TALK: address (Fr.-L.) AWARESOME: conscious (L.) AWE-WORSHIP: superstition (L.) BACKGROUNDS: accompanies (Fr.) BACK-HOLD-SOME: restrained (O.Fr.-L.) BACK-SPRING-SOME: plastic (Gr.) BACK-THROWTH: atavism (L.) ‟BAD TIMES‶: ‟Depression‶ (L.) BAND-BOSS: conductor (L.) BAND-BOSS-SHIP: conductorship (L.) BANDED-LANDS: The Allies (O.Fr.-L.) BANE-FRAUGHT: dangerous (O.Fr.-L.) BASS-FIDDLE: violoncello (It.) BATTLE-SLAIN-CHOOSE MAIDENS: Valkyries (Gr.) BEARING UPON: regarding (Fr.) BE-ARTS: artisticizes (Fr., It.-L.) BEAST-LIKE: animal (L.) BEASTS: animals (L.) BEAUTY-CODE-SOME: esthete (Gr.) BE-CHORD: harmonize (through Fr. and L., -Gr.) BE-DEED: perform (Anglo-Fr.--O.Fr. (L.)) BE-DENT: impress (L.) BE-EKE: increase (M.E.--Anglo-Fr.--L.) BE-ENDED: finished (Fr.-L.) BE-ENDING: finish (Fr.-L.) BEEN-THRU-MENTS: experiences (Fr., -L.) BEEN-THRU-SOME-NESS: experience (Fr., -L.) BEEN-THRU-THE-MILL-NESSES: experiences (Fr., -L.) BE-EYEGAYED: illustrated (L.) BE-FINEMENT: refinement (L./Fr.-L.) BE-FREEDMENT: relief (O.Fr.) BE-FREEMENT BE-FRESHING: refreshing (L.) BE-FRUITING: fructifying (L.) BE-FUNNED: amused (Fr.) BEGINSOME: original (Fr.-L.) BEGINSOMELY: originally (Fr.-L.) BE-GLORY-FYING BEHAVE-MENT: behavior (‟ior‶ = L.) BEHEST: command (Fr.-L.) BEHEST-GIVER: dictator (L.) BEHEST-HALLOWED: authorised (through Fr. from L.) BEHEST-HEEDFULNESS: obedience (L.) BEHEST-HEED-SOME: obedient (L.) BEHEST HEED-SOME-NESS: obedience (L.) BEHEST-HEEDTH: obedience (L.) BEHEST-POWER: authority (L.) BEHEST POWER-RIDDEN: given over to authoritativeness (L.) BEHEST-RIDDEN: authority-ridden (L.) BEHEST-SWAY: domineeringness (prob. through D.-O.Fr.-L.) BEHEST-UNHEED: disobey (O.Fr.(L.)/Fr.-L.) BEING-TYPE: nature (Fr.,-L.) BE-IRKED: annoyed (O.Fr.; perhaps from L.) BE-NAMED: mentioned (L.) BE-NAME-MENT: mention (L.) BE-NAYED: negated (L.) BE-POORING: impoverishing (O.Fr.-L.) BE-PRIZED: precious (O.Fr.0L.) BE-RAGES: enrages (O.Fr.(L.)/Fr.,-L.) BE-RICHING: enriching (Fr.(L.)/O.Fr.; of Germanic Origin) BE-SPEAKMENT: discussion (L.) BEST-LEG-FORWARD: pretentiousness (Fr.-L.) BE-SURED: assured (O.Fr.-L.L.) BE-TAINTMENT: contamination (L.) BE-TALKED: discussed (L.) BE-TALKING: discussing (L.) BE-TALKMENT: discussion (L.) BETROTHED: engaged (Fr.-O.Fr.) BETTER-LIKING: preferring (Fr.-L.) BEWAILMENT: complaint (Fr.-LowL-L.) BE-WEAL: benefit (M.E., through Fr. from L.) BE-WEALS: benefits (M.E. through Fr. from L.) BEYOND-LIVTH: survival (Fr., -L.) BIDE-READY: patient (Fr.-L.) BIG BLENT-BAND: symphony orchestra (Gr./L.,-Gr.) BILL-OF-FARE: program (Gr.) BIRTH: create (L.) BIRTHFUL: creative (L.) BIRTH-GIVER: parental (Fr.-L.) BIRTH-GIVERS: parents (Fr.-L.) BIRTH-STARTED: conceived (O.Fr.-L.) BLENT-BAND-Y: orchestral (L.-Gr.) BLENT-GOD LORISTS: theosophists (Gr.) BLIND-SEEN BLISS-FRENZY BLISSFULSOME: ecstatic (Gr.) BLOOD-BEQUEATHMENT: inherited instincts (O.Fr.-Low L. - L./L.) BLOODGOT: inherited (O.Fr.-Low L.-L.) BLUE-EYED: Nordic (Fr.) BLUE-EYED ENGLISH: Pure English (Fr.-L.) BLUE-EYED-RACE-MEN: Nordics (Fr.) BODY-HOLDMENTS: positions (Fr.-L.) BODY-SHAPE: figure (Fr., -L.) BODY-STIRS: gestures (Low L.-L.) BOOK-ART: literature (L.) BOOK-ARTSOME: literary (L.) BOOK-FAINTH: fondness for books (for ‟fonned‶, pa.p. of M.E. ‟Fonnen‶, to act foolishly) BOOKING-BOSSES: concert managers (It./It.-L.) BOOTLESSNESS BOSTON-CHRISTENDOM: Christian Science (O.E.-Gr./Fr.,-L.) BOTHSOME: mutual (Fr.-L.) BOWED-TO: respected (L.) BOWFULLY: politely (L.) BRAY-WINNING: champion (Fr., -Low L. -L.) BREAST-FED: nourished (O.Fr.-(Fr.)-L.) BREED-GROUP PAST-LORE: family history (L./L.-Gr.) BREED-GROUP PHOTO-BOOKS: family albums (L./L.) BREED-GROUPS: families (L.) BREED-GROUPSOME: family (adj.) (L.) BREED-GROUPSOME FONDNESS: family affection (L./L.) BREED-LINKS: generation (L.) BRIDGE-PLAN ART: civil engineering (L./O.Fr.-L.) BRIDGE-WRIGHT: engineer (O. Fr.-L.) BRIGHT-SHINING: brilliant (Fr.-LowL.) BROIDERIES: variations (L.) BROIDERY: variation (L.) BROODGROUP MEN: family men (L.) BROODLINK: generation (L.) BUILD-ART: architecture (Gr.) BUILDING ROOTS: foundations (Fr.-L.) BUILD-MONGERS: contractors (L.) BUILD-WRIGHT: architect (Gr.) BURIAL-MARCH: funeral (O.Fr., -Low L.-L.) BURST OPENSOME: explosive (L.) BUSINESS-BOSS: manager (It.-L.) BY-CHANCE-LY: accidentally (L.) BY-HEART-PLAYING CALL-TO-MINDMENT: memory (L.) CAUGHT-MEN: prisoners (O.Fr.-L.) CENTER-SWAY: centralisation (Fr.-L.-Gr.) CHANCE-FOR-ALL-DOM: democracy (Fr.-Gr.) CHANCE-FOR-ALL-FULLNESS: democraticness (Fr.-Gr.) CHANCE-FOR-ALLTH: democracy (Fr.-Gr.) CHANGE-AS-CHANGE-MUSTFULNESS: adaptability (Fr.-L.) CHANGE-SHOCK: contrast (Fr.-L.) CHANGE-SHOCK-FUL: contrasting (Fr.-L.) CHAPMAN: merchant (O.Fr.-L.) CHEAPINGHAVEN: Copenhagen (German name) CHEST-ROT: consumption (L.) CHEST-ROTSOME: consumptious (L.) CHIEF-CHURCH: cathedral (L.-Gr.) CHIME: glockenspiel (Ger.) CHRIST BELIEF-BRINGERS: missionaries (L.) CHRIST-DOOM-SING-PLAYS: passions (O.Fr.-L.) CHURCH-SING-PLAYS: oratorios (It., -L.) CLASS-MELTMENT: democracy (Fr.-Gr.) CLEAR-THINKINGNESS CLEAR-TOLD: described (L.) CLEAR-TO-SEE: obvious (L.) CLEAR-UP-TALE: explanation (O.Fr.-L.) CLEAR-UP-WORD: explanation (O.Fr.-L.) CLOSE-AT-HANDNESS: propinquity (L.) CLOSECLASPED: intimate (L.) CLOSE-PHRASE: cadence (Fr., -L.) CLOSE-UP: detail (Fr.) COME-BACKS: reactions (L.L.) COME-HANDYNESS: convenience (L.) COMES-BACK: reacts (L.L.) COME-UNDONE: distracted (L.) CONTRASTINESS COPYPRINTMENTS: reproductions (L.) COPY-WORTHY COULD-NOT-SOME: impossible (L.) COUNTRY-STYLE: countrified (O.Fr.-Low L.-L.) COUNTRY-TUNE: folksong (O.E.; O.N.; Ger./O.E.; Du., Ger., O.N.) COW-POX-TREATED: vaccinated (L.) CREEPING-UNDER-THE-SKIN-NESS CREST: climax (Gr.) CRIME-SPY: detective (L.) CROSS-STRIVING: contending (L.) CROWD-MASS: public (L.) CROWD-PLEASE-SOME: popular (L.) CROWD-PLEASING: popular (L.) CRUEL-HOOD: cruelty (Fr.-L.) CRUEL-LUST: sadism (Marquis de Sade) CRUSH-SNAKES: boa-constrictors (L./L.) CURE-CASTLE-SOME: clinical (Gr.) CURE-FINDERS: patients (Fr., -L.) CURE-HURT: punished (Fr., -L.) CURE-SEEKER: patient (Fr., -L.) CURE-STRIKE: punish (Fr.-L.) CUT-CURE-CRAFT: surgery (Fr.-Gr.) CUT-CURER: surgeon (Fr.-Gr.) CUT-LEECH: operate (L.) DAY BOOKS: DIARIES (l.) DEAF-HEARD: ignored (L.) DEAF-HEARING: ignoring (L.) DEED-FIT-NESS: practicality (Obs.Fr.-L.-Gr.) DEED-JOKES: practical jokes (Obs. Fr.-L.-Gr.) DEEMTH: opinion (L.) DEEMTH-SWAY: public opinion (L/L.) DE-EVENWEIGHTEN: unbalance (O.E./Fr.,-L.) DE-HALLOWED: excommunicated (from Late L.-L.) DE-HUBBED: decentralised (L./Fr.-L.-Gr.) DIGER-IN-THE-TONE-PAST: musicologist (Fr.-L.-Gr.) DISHED-UP: arranged (O.Fr.(L.)) DISH-UP: arrangement (O.Fr.(L.)) DOFULLNESS: activity (L.) DON’T-CARISH: indifferent (L.) DON’T-CARISHNESS: indifference (L.) DOOM-FORBODESOME: apprehensive (L.) DOOM-FRAUGHT: tragic (L.-Gr.) DOOM-FRAUGHT-NESS: tragedy (L.-Gr.) DOOM-GLOOM: despair (O.Fr.-L.) DOOM-PLAY: tragedy or drama (L.-Gr.) DO-OVER-MENT: version (O.E.-L.; influenced by O.Fr.) DO-OVER-MENTS: versions (O.E.-L; influenced by O.Fr.) DO-SOMENESS: activity (L.) DO-SOMENESSES: activities (L.) DOWN-BREAK-SOME: destructive (L.) DO-WORD: verb (Fr.-L.) DRINK-CRAZY: delirium tremens (L.) DRINK-FAIN: fond of liquor (M.E.O.Fr.-L.) DRINK-FOES: temperance reformers (L./L.) DWALE-BRINGING: bringing confusion; delusion (O.Fr.-L./L.) DWELL-SOME: insistent (L.) DUST-SUCK-GIN: vacuum cleaner (L./O.E.; Ger.) DWINDLE-ROT: consumption (L.) EAR-GAYS: pieces (musical) (O.Fr.-Low L.) EAR-DRENCHED EARN-FIELDS: where one earns money EARN-MENT: deserts (O.Fr.) EARTH-CRUST-LORE-SOMELY: geographically (Fr., -L., -Gr.) EARTH-FACE-LORE: geography (Fr., -L., -Gr.) EASY-TO-READ-NESS: legibility (L.) EATABLES EAT SHOP: restaurant (Fr.) ELSEWHERE-SOME: absent (L.) END-SOME FIGHT-WIN: final victory (Fr., -L./L.) ENOUGHED: content (Fr.-L.) EUROPEAN-MAINLANDISH: continental (L.) EVEN-WEIGHT: balance (Fr.-L.) EVEN-WEIGHTEDNESS: balancedness (Fr.-L.) EVIL-FOR-EVIL: revenge (O.Fr. (F.)-L.) EYE ARTS: drawing, painting, sculpture, architecture (O.E./O.Fr.-L./L./Gr.) EYE-DREAM: vision (Fr., -L.) EYE-GAYS: pictures (L.) EYE-HELP-GLASSES: spectacles (L.) FACE-LIKENESSERS: portrait painters (O.Fr.-L./O.Fr.-L.) FACTFULLY: actually (L.) FACT-LORE: science (Fr.,-L.) FACT-LORE MAN: scientist (Fr., -L.) FACT-NEAT: exact (L.) FACT-NEWS: information (O. Fr.-L.) FACT-REALLY: actually (L.) FACT-SEARCH: science (Fr.,-L.) FAIN-TOOK: accepted (L.) FAIR-HOOD: beauty (O.Fr.-Low L.-L.) FAME-LIT: famous (O.Fr.,-L.) FAME-PATH: career (Fr.) FAME-SING: celebrate (L.) FARING: travelling (O. Fr.) FARING-OUTLAYS: travelling expenses (O.Fr./L.) FARLY-STRANGE: exotic (L.,-Gr.) FAR OFFNESS: distance (O.Fr.-L.) FATE FORETELLSOME: prophetic (Fr.-L.) FEASTSOME: festive (L.) FEELINGFULNESS: sympathy (Gr.) FELLOWED: associated or accompanied (L./Fr.) FELLOW-FEELTH: sympathy (Gr.) FELLOW-TONE-MEN: fellow musicians (Fr.-L.-Gr.) FIDDLE: violin (It.) FIGHT-FAIN FIGHT-LOSS: failure (O.Fr.-L.; cf. Du., Ger.) FIGHT-WIN: victory (L.) FIGHT-WINNER: conqueror (O. Fr.-L.) FIGHT-WINSOMELY: successfully (L.) FIGHT-WINTH: victory or success (L.) FIGHT-WINTH-WORSHIP: worship of success (L.) FINELY STRUNG: sensitive (Fr.-L.) FISH-WINNING: succeeding (L.) FIT-MADNESS: epilepsy (Gr.) FIVE-SOME: quintet (It.-L.) FLAG FLOWERS: irises (Gr.) FLAG-FOLKSOME GAIN-GREEDS: national economic interests (L./L.-Gr./influenced by O.Fr.L.) FLAG-HEAT: patriotism (Gr.) FLAG-HEAT-LESS: unpatriotic (O.E.; L./Br.) FLAT-FRAMES: platforms (Fr.) FLESH-SHUNNER: vegetarian (O.Fr.-L.L.-L.) FOE-CHORDS: discords (O.Fr.-L,) FOE-CHORDY: discordant (O.Fr.-L.) FOE-MET: opposed (Fr.,-L., Fr.-L.L.) FOLK-EYE: the public eye (L.) FOLK-HOST: the public (L.) FOLK-LIFE: national life (L.) FOLK-LIKED: popular (L.) FOLK-LIKEDNESS: popularity (L.) FOLK-PLEASE-SOME: popular (L.) FOLK-PRIDE: national pride (L.) FOLKSOME: public (L.) FOLK-SPEECH: language (Fr.-L.) FOLK-SPIRITED: people spirited (O.Fr.-L.) FOLK-SPIRITEDNESS: public spiritedness (L.) FOLK-TONGUES: languages (Fr.-L.) FOLKWISE: public (L.) FOLK-WISE DEEMTH-SWAY: public opinion (L./L.) FOLLOW-PLAN: succession (Fr.) FONDHEARTED: affectionate (L.) FOND-KNIT: affectionate (L.) FOOT-KEYS: pedals (organ) (L.) FORCE-PLAY: violence (Fr., -L.) FORE-BIRTH-STIRS: prenatal activities (L./L.) FOREBODESOME: apprehensive (L.) FORECHOOSE: prefer (Fr.-L.) FORECHOOSING: preferring (Fr.-L.) FORECHOSE: preferred (Fr.-L.) FORECHOSENLY: preferably (Fr.-L.) FOREIGN INWARDERERS: immigrants (L.) FORE-INGLY: satisfyingly (O.Fr.-L.) FORE-JUDGEFUL: prejudiced (Fr. and L.) FORERAN: preceded (Fr.-L.) FORE-READIED: prepared (Fr.-L.) FORE-READIMENTS: preparations (Fr.-L.) FORE-READY: prepare (Fr.-L.) FORE-WEEN: expect (L.) FORE-WEENED: expected (L.) FOR-IRISH: pro-Irish (L.) FOR SAMPLE: for instance (L.) FORTHCOMING: provided (L.) FORTH-CRYING: announcing (O.Fr.-L.) FORTH-CRY-MENTS: pronouncements (Fr.-L.) FORTH-EYEGAYED: depicted (L.) FORTHGOT: produced (L.) FORTH-HINT: suggest (L.) FORTH-PLAY: perform (L./Anglo-Fr.--O.Fr.) FORTH-PLAY-MENT: performance (L./Anglo-Fr.--O.Fr.) FORTH-PRINTERS: publishers (L.) FORTH-PRINTMENT: publication (L.) FORTH-PROVED: justified (Fr. and L.) FORTH-RIME-SPEAK: recite (L.) FORTH-SHOWMENT: exhibition (L.) FORTH-SHOWN: manifested (L.) FORTH-SOUNDMENT: musical performance (Fr.-L.-Gr./Anglo-Fr.--O.Fr.) FORTH-SPEAK: recite (L.) FORTH-TALK: recite (L.) FORTH-STRIDE-MENT: progress (Fr.-L.) FORWARD-STRIDE-MENT: progress (Fr.-L.) FORWARD-STRIDTH: progress (Fr.-L.) FOUR-SOME: quartet (It.-L.) FREE-FAINTH: love of freedom (O.E.; Ger.; L.) FREE-MENT: liberation (L.) FREE-OFFERED: volunteered (Fr.-L.) FRESH KEPT: preserved (Fr.-L.) FRIEND-CHORD-SOME: harmonious (through Fr. and L.,-Gr.) FRITH-CLOSE: close to nature (Fr., -L.) FRITH-CODE: nature code (Fr.,-L.) FRITH CURERS: nature healers (Fr.,-L./O.E.; cf.Ger., Du., O.N.) FRITH-FORCE: nature (Fr., -L.) FRITH-LIFE: nature-life (Fr., -L.) FRITH-LIKENESS: naturalness (Fr., -L.) FRITH-LIT: inspired by nature (L./Fr.,-L.) FRITHLY: naturally (L.) FRITH-MAN: primitive (Fr.-L.) FRITH-PLAN: scheme of nature (Gr./Fr.,-L.) FRITHRY: nature (Fr., -L.) FRITHSELF: nature (individual) (Fr.,-L.) FRITH-SOME: natural (L.) FRITH-THWART FRITH-TUNED: nature-attuned (Fr.,-L./L.) FULL-FED: satisfied (O.Fr.-L.) FUN-HERDSOME: social (Fr., -L.) FUN-JOB: amateur (Fr.-L.) FUNNY SING-PLAYS: comic operas (L.-Gr/It.,-L.) FUN-SHOW: entertainment (Fr.-.L.) FUN-TONE-ARTERS: amateur musicians (Fr.-L,/Fr.-L.-Gr.) FURY-FEEL-TH-ILY: passionately (O.Fr.-L.) FURY-FILLS: infuriates (L.) GAIN-DRAUGHTS: advantage (Fr.-L.) GAIN-FAIN: acquisitive (O.Fr.-L.) GIN-MATCHMENT-MADNESS: the madness of competition (L.) GAINST-ACT: counteract (Fr.,-L./L.; Gr.) GAINST-STIR: reaction (L.L.) GAINST-STIRRING: reacting (L.L.) GAP-FILLING: substitute (L.) GAPPED-DATE-PAPER: magazine (Fr.-It.-Ar.) GAPPED-TIME-NEWSPAPERS: periodicals (Fr.-L-Gr.) GAS-BUGGY: automobile (Gr.; L.) GATHER-HOARDS: collections (L.) GATHER-SHEAF: collection (L.) GET-EVEN-URGE: revenge (O.Fr.-Fr.-L.) GHOST-AWE: superstition (L.) GIANT SHOW: exhibition (L.) GIN: machine (Fr., -L.-Gr.) GIN-AGE: machine-age (Fr.,-L.-Gr.) GIN-BIRDS: airplanes (Fr., -L.-Gr.) GIN-GUN: machine gun (Fr.,-L.-Gr.; L.) GIN OUT-FINDMENTS: technical inventions (Gr./L.) GINS: engines (O.Fr.-L.) GIN-WORK: machinery (Fr.-L.-Gr.) GIVE-WILLING: generous (Fr.-L.) GIVE-WILLINGNESS: generosity (Fr.-L.) GLORYFULLY: gloriously (O.Fr.-L.) GOAL-PLAN: purpose (O.Fr.-L.) GOD-BELIEF: religion (L.) GOD-FAINTH: fondness for God (for ‟fonned,‶ pa.p. of M.E. ‟Fonnen,‶ to act foolishly) GOD-NAYSAYER: atheist (Fr.-Gr.) GOD-WORSHIP: religion (L.) GOD-WORSHIPFULNESS: religiousness (L.) GOD-WOSHIPPING: deifying (Fr.-L.) GOD-WORSHIPSOME: religious (L.) GO-GETSOME: energetic (Gr.) GO-INTH: entrance (Fr.-L.) GO-ROUND: revolve (L.) GO-SEEKFARING: touristism (Fr.-L/L.-Gr.) GO-WITHOUT-SAYSOME: obvious (L.) GRAND-BIRTHGIVERS: grandparents (Fr.-L./Fr.-L.) GRAVE-MARCH: funeral (O.Fr.,-Low L.-L.) GREAT-HAUL-MAKING: fortune-making (Fr., -L.) GREAT-MONEY-HAUL: fortune (Fr.-L.) GREAT-TOWNS: cities (Fr.-L.) GREAT TREKK: emigrate (L.) GREEK RE-BIRTH-AGESOME: Renaissance (Fr.,-L.) GREEK-REBIRTHSOME: Renaissance (Fr.,-L.) GROUPLIFE: company (Fr.) GROUP-MAKERS: members (Fr.-L.) GROUP-WHOLESOME: normal (L.) GRUMBLE-SHOUT: protest (Fr.-L.) GUEST-ASKMENTS: invitations (L.) GUEST-TAKE: entertain (Fr.-L.) GUILT-HURT: punished (Fr.-L.) GUILT-STRIKE: punish (Fr.-L.) HAMMER-WOOD: xylophone (Gr.) HAND-CLAP: applaud (L.) HAND-CLAPMENT: applause (L.) HANDWRIT: manuscript (L.) HANDY: convenient (L.) HAP-ANGLES: circumstances (L.) HAP-LORE: history (L.-Gr.) HAP-POINT: occasion (Fr.,-L.) HAPS: events (L.) HAP-TALE: anecdote (Gr.) HARDSHIP: difficulty (Fr.-L.) HARM-UNSEEING: innocent (O.Fr.,-L.) HARRY-HEALTH: diseases (O.Fr.-L.) HAWKER-CRIED: advertised (Fr.,-L.) HEAD-CHURCH: cathedral (L.-Gr.) HEADING-WAY: mental (Fr.,-L.) HEAD-WORKED: mental (Fr.,-L.) HEAD-WORKED TALE-LORE: mental arithmetic (Fr.,-L./Gr.) HEAL-BANDAGE: compress (L.) HEALTH-FEEDING: diet (Fr.-L.L.-Gr.) HEALTH-PALACE: sanatorium (L.) HEARER-HOST: audience (L.) HEART-GRIPS HEART-KIND: nature (Fr.,-L.) HEART-LEANING: sympathies (Gr.) HEART-SORTS: natures (Fr.,-L.) HEART-UPMAKTH: character (Fr.-L.-Gr.) HEATHEN-RE-BIRTH: Renaissance (Fr.,-L.) HEAT-KEENTH: passion (O.Fr.-L.) HEAT-KEENTHSOME: passionate (O.Fr.-L.) HE-BABY HE-CHILD HE-CHOIR: male chorus (O.Fr.-L./L.,-Gr.) HE-HIGH: tenor (L.) HE-LOW FIDDLE: cello (It.) HE-MID: baritone (Fr.,-Gr.) HE-MID-LOW: baritone (Fr.-Gr.) HERALD-SPOKEN: announced (O.Fr.-L.) HERDSWAY-WIZARDRY: demagogy (Fr.,-Gr.) HERE-TO-FORE-Y: previous (L.) HE-SOME: male (O.Fr.-L.) HIDDENSOMELY: secretly (L.) HIDE-SPOKENNESS: hypocrisy (Fr.,-Gr.) HID-MENT: secret (L.) HIDTH: secret (L.) HIDTHSOME: secret (adj.) (L.) HIGH-HILLS: mountains (O.Fr.-L.) HIGH-JINKS TONE-SHOW: gala concert (Fr.-It./It.) HIGH POLE-MONKEYING: trapeze (Gr.) HINDER-BIRTHSOME: contraceptive (L.) HIRE-JOB: engagement (Fr.-O.Fr.) HOARD-BOOK: album (L.) HOARD-GATHERER: collector (L.) HOARD-HALL: museum (L.-Gr.) HOLDMENT: position (Fr.-L.) HOLY-DIPPED: baptised (Gr.) HOLY-PILLAR: pedestal (Fr.-It.-(L.)) HOME-TEACHERESSES: governesses (O.Fr.-L.-Gr.) HOME-TRAINGARTH: station (Fr.-L.) HONOR-GRANTH: respect (L.) HONOR-GREED: ambition (Fr.,-L.) HONOR-GREEDY: ambitious (Fr.,-L.) HONOR-HUNGER: ambition (Fr.-L.) HONOR-SING: celebrate (L.) HONOR-SINGING: celebrating (L.) HONOR-TOKENED: dedicated (L.) HOPE-FRAUGHT: propitious (L.) HOPE-FUL-FILLINGLY: satisfyingly (O.Fr.-L.) HOPE-FULFILLMENT: satisfaction (O.Fr.-L.) HOPE-THWARTED: disappointed (L./O.Fr.) HOPE-THWARTEDNESS: disappointment (L./O.Fr.) HOPE-THWARTING: disappointing (L./O.Fr.) HORSE-COP: mounted policeman (Fr.-L./Fr.,-L.-Gr.) HOST-BADE: invited (L.) HOST-FULL: hospitable (L.) HOT-HEART: passion (O.Fr.-L.) HOUSE-DREW: designed (Fr., -L.) HOUSE-FIXINGS: furniture (Fr.) HOUSE-GEAR: furnishings (O.Fr.-O.H.G.) HOUSE-PLAN ART: architecture (Gr.) HOUSE-PLAN DRAWING: designing (Fr.,-L.) HOUSE-WARDEN: custodian (L.) HOW-LINKED-UPNESS: relation (L.) HOW-NESS: a quality (O.Fr.-L.) HOW-NESSES: qualities (O.Fr.-L.) NOW-STANDMENT: relation (L.) HOWTH: quality (O.Fr.-L.) HOW-WORD: adjective (L.) HUNGERS: appetites (through Fr. from L.) HURRY-ITCH: impatient (L.) IDOL-SMASHING: iconoclastic (Gr.) ILL-FULL-FED: dissatisfied (L./O.Fr.-L.) IN-CLASP: include (L.) INDRAWN: concerned (Fr.,-L.) IN-DWELLERS: natives (L.) IN-DWELLSOME: native (L.) IN-GOING: entering (Fr.-L.) IN-HELD: contained (through Fr. From L.) IN-STEPPED: entered (Fr.-L.) IN-STIRS: instincts (L.) IN-STIRSOMELY: instinctively (L.) IRK-BEGETTING: irritating (L.) IRK-READYNESS: irritableness (L.) JOB-LIFE: professional life or career (L./Fr.) JOB-PATH: professional (L.) JOB-STRIVE: compete professionally (L./L.) JOINT-BARGAINSOME: compromisingly (Fr.-L.) JOINT-BARTERDOM: compromise (Fr.-L.) JOKE-ARTISTS: humorists (O.Fr.-L.) JOY-FARERS: passengers (O. Fr.) JOY-FELT: enjoyed (O. Fr.; O.Fr.-L.) JOY-QUAFF: enjoyed (O.Fr.; O.Fr.-L.) JOY-QUAFFED: enjoyed (O.Fr.; O.Fr.-L.) JOY-QUAFFSOME: enjoyable (O.Fr.; O.Fr.-L.) JOY-SWIMMING: reveling (O.Fr.-L.) JOY-TAKTH: pleasure (O.Fr.(Fr.)-L.) JUDGE-WRITTEN: criticised (Gr.) JUST-RIGHT: perfect (L.) JUST-RIGHTLY: perfectly (L.) JUST-RIGHTNESS: perfection (L.) JUST-RIGHTNESS CRAVING: perfection craving (L.) KEENTH: keenness (O.E.cog. with Ger.) KEEPING-ON-NESS: persistency (L.) KEEPTHS: preservations (Fr.-L.) KEY-BOARD-SWINGING: piano practice (It.(L.)/Obs. Fr.-L.-Gr.) KEYBOARD-SWINK-TH: piano practice (It(L.)/Obs. Fr.-L.-Gr.) KEYED HAMMER-STRING: piano (It.(L.)) KEY-SHIFTED: transposed (Fr.,-L.) KNIGHT-SELFLESSNESS: chivalrousness (Fr.-L.) KNOW-ALL-TITLE: doctorate (L.) KNOW-HUNGER: science or inquisitiveness (Fr.-L./L.) KNOWLEDGELESS: ignorant (Fr.,-L.) KNOW-LORIST: scientist (Fr.-L.) LAND-BEFOLKMENT: the population of which (L.) LAND-CHART: atlas (Gr.) LAND-FARER: explorer (Fr.-L.) LAND FLAG-KEENNESS: patriotism (Gr.) LAND-FOLK: nation (L.) LAND-FOLKISH: national (L.) LAND-FOLKSOME: national (L.) LAND-FOLK-WIDE: nationwide (L.) LAND-SPEECH: language (Fr.-L.) LAND-STRETCHES: districts (Fr.,-L.L.) LAND-TILLERS: peasants (O.Fr.(Fr.)-L.) LAND-WONTS: national customs (L./O.Fr.-L.) LAND-WONTSOME: national (L.) LARGELY-TAKEN: average (It. (L.)) LAST-SOME: final (Fr.-L.) LAUGH-AT-ABLE: absurd (L.) LAW-BREAKER: criminal (Fr.-L.) LAW-DOWN-LAYING: insisting (L.) LAW-FOSTER: adopt (L.) LAW-FOSTERED: adopted (L.) LAW-HALLOWMENT: legalization (L.) LAWSOME: legal (L.) LAW-TOOK: adopted (L.) LAW-UNHALLOWED: illegitimate (L. + Low L.-L.) LAW-WONTS: legal conventions (L./Fr.-L.) LEARNER: student (L.) LEARN-YOUTH: apprentice (O.Fr.-L.) LEECH-BOOKS: doctor’s books (L.) LEECH-CRAFT: medicine (O.Fr.-L.) LEECH-DRINK: medicine (O.Fr.-L.) LEECH-RANSACKED: examined (Fr.,-L.) LEECH-TREAT: doctor (L.) LENGTHEN-MENTS: extensions (L.) LET-HAPPENSOME: passive (L.) LET-HAPPENSOMENESS: passiveness (L.) LETTER-LIST: alphabet (Gr.) LIFE-KNOTS: problems (Gr.) LIFE-SET-UP: living conditions (L.) LIFE-TRYTH: experience (Fr.,-L.) LIFE-WONTS: conventions (Fr.-L.) LIFE-WRECKTH: destruction of life (L.) LIGHT-PRINTS: photos (Gr.) LIKE-TH: picture (L.) LIMBS: members (Fr.-L.) LINE-GAYS: patterns (Fr.) LINE-GAY-SOME: patterned (Fr.) LINKED-TOGETHER: combined (L.) LINKED-UP: connected (L.) LISTEN-HOSTS: audiences (L.) LIVE-IN-ABLE: inhabitable (L.) LIVEMENT: survival (Fr.-L.) LONE-HANDER: an individualist (L.) LONE-HANDISHLY: individualistically (L.) LONE-HANDISHNESS: individualism (L.) LONE-HAND-LIFE: individualistic life (L.) LONE-HAND-SOME: individual (L.) LONE-HAND-Y: individual (L.) LONG SIDE-RUNNING: parallel (Gr.) LOOKED-DOWN-UPON: despised (O.Fr.-L.) LOOKED-FOR-LY: expectedly (L.) LOOKED-UP-TO-NESS: reputation (L.) LOOK-FOR-ABLE: to be expected (L.) LOOK-FORWARD-TO-NESS: expectations (L.) LORE-PRIEST: professor (L.) LOVE-BEGRUDGINGNESS: jealousy (O.Fr. -L.-Gr.) LOVE-BOUND: devoted (L.) LOVE-BOUNDNESS: devotion (L.) LOVE DEALS: love affairs (O.Fr.-(L.)) LOVE-MEAN: jealous (O.Fr.-L.-Gr.) LOVE-SELFISH: jealous (O.Fr.-L.-Gr.) LOVE-SELFISHNESS: jealousy (O.Fr.-L-Gr.) MAIN-LAND: continent (L.) MAIN-LAND-DWELLERS: continental Europeans (L./Gr.) MAIN SWAY: influence (O.Fr.,-Low L.-L.) MAKE-STYLE: process (Fr.-L.) MAKE-UPMENTS: recompenses (O.Fr.-L.) MAKING-IT-UP-AS-YOU-GO: improvisation (Fr.-L.) MAN-HERD: society (Fr.,-L.) MANKINDLINESS: humanitarianism (Fr.-L./L.-Gr.) MANKINDSOME: human (Fr.-L.) MAN-TYPE; nature (Fr.-L.) MAN-WROUGHT: artificial (L.) MANY-NESS: number (Fr.-L.) MANYVOICED: polyphonic (Gr.) MASS-JUDGE-MENT: generalisation (O.Fr.-L.) MASS-MAKERY: factory (L.) MASS-SOLD: syndicalised (L.-Gr.) MASS-WORKSHOP-MEN: factory workers (L.) MASTER-BUILDER: architect (Gr.) MATCHED-WITH-OTHERS-BY: comparatively (Fr.,-L.) MATCHMENT-MADNESS: the madness of competition (L.) MATCH-METE-MENTS: proportions (L.) MAUDLIN-MOODED: sentimental (Fr.-L.L.-L.) MAW: stomach (O.FR.-L.-Gr.) MAWKTH: sentimentality (Fr.,-L.L.-L.) MAW-WORK: digest (L.) MAY-BE-NESSES: possibilities (L.) MEAN: average (prob. It. (L.) MEAN-SOME: normal (L.) MEAN-SOMELY: normally (L.) MEAT-LESS: vegetarian (O.Fr.-L.L.-L.) MEAT-SHUN-MENT: vegetarianism (O.Fr.-L.L.-L.) MEETH: amount (O.Fr.-L.) MEN‵S SING-BAND: male chorus (O.Fr.-L./L.,-Gr.) METE-ABLE: measurable (O.Fr.-L.) METED: measured (O.Fr.-L.) METE-MENT: measurement (O.Fr.-L.) MIDDED: extra (L.) MIDDLE-AGES-SOME: medieval (L.) MIDDLE-FIDDLE: viola (O.Fr.-L.L.-L.) MIGHT-BE: possible (L.) MIGHT-BE-NESSES: possibilities (L.) MILD-JUDGE: tolerate (L.) MILD-MINDED: tolerant (L.) MILD-MINDEDNESS: tolerance (L.) MIND-BIRTHED MIND-CLASH: disagree (L./O.Fr.-L.) MIND-DENT: impression (L.) MIND-DREAM: imagine (O.Fr.-L.) MIND-ELSEWHERE-SOME: absent-minded (L.) MIND-EYEGAY: mind pictures (L.) MIND-FANCY: imagine (O.Fr.-L.) MIND-HEARING MIND-HOSTESSING: entertaining (the thought) (Fr.-L.) MIND-HOSTING: entertaining (the thought) (Fr.-L.) MINDISH: mental (Fr.,-L.) MIND-MADE-UP-LY: determinedly (Fr., -L.) MIND-MADE-UP-MENT: decision (L.) MIND-MARK: impression (L.) MIND-NUT-TO-CRACK: problem (Gr.) MIND-PICTURE: vision (Fr.-L.) MIND-POINTEDNESS: concentration (a lengthened form of ‟concentre‶) MIND-POINTING: concentrating (a lengthened form of “concentre‶) MIND-PRINT: impression (L.) MIND-SEE: imagine (O.Fr.-L.) MIND-SET: expecting (L.) MINDSOME: mental (Fr.,-L.) MIND-STIR: interest (from obs. ‟Interess‶, influenced by O.Fr.-L.) MIND-STIRRED: interested (from obs. ‟Interess‶, influenced by O.Fr.-L.) MIND-STIRRING: interesting (from obs. ‟Interess‶, influenced by Ofr.-L.) MIND-SWAYS MIND-TILLED: educated (L.) MIND-TILLTH: education (L.) MIND-TILTH-SOMELY: by means of education (L.) MIND-UNLOCKED: interpreted (L.) MIND-UNTILLED: uneducated (L.) MIS-EVEN-WEIGHTEDNESS: unbalancedness (O.E. cf. Ger./Fr.,-L.) MIS-RECKONMENT: miscalculation (L.) MIS-SCATHE: escape (O.Fr. (Fr.)-L. MISUSES: abuses (L.) MIXED-BAND: orchestra (L.-Gr,) MODEL-SAMPLES: examples (O.Fr.,-L.) MODE-SCALE-SOMENESS: modalness (Fr., -L.) MONEY-GAIN: profit (Fr.-L.) MONEY-OUT-FARMERS: investors (L.) MONEY-OUT-FARM-MENTS: investments (L.) MONEY-SNEAKED: embezzled (Anglo-Fr.) MONEY-STRETCH: afford (M.E.-O.E.) MONEY-SWING: afford (M.E.-O.W.) MONEY-WORTH: value (O.Fr.(F.)-L.) MONK-PARK: monastery (Gr.) MOOD-HIDESOME: secretive (L.) MOOD-TYPE: temperament (L.) MOST SO: especially (O.Fr.-L.) MOUTH-BEARD: moustache (Fr.-It.-Gr.) MUCH-MEANING: important (Fr.-L.) MUCH-MEANING-FUL: important (FR.-L.) NARROW-BORE BRASS: trumpet, trombone (O.Fr./It.) NAY-SAID: denied (Fr.-L.) NAY-SOME: negative (L.) NAY-SOMENESS: negativeness (L.) NERVE-CRAZY: hysterical (Gr.) NERVE-HEADACHES: neuralgia (Gr.) NEW BIRTH-AFTER-MIDDLE-AGES: Renaissance (Fr.,-L.) NEW-MONGER: innovator (L.) NEWS GLEAN: discover (O.Fr.(L.)) NEWTH: novelty (partly through O.Fr.(F.), partly through It., partly direct from L.) NEW-TIME: modern (L.) NEW-TIMEY: modern (L.) NEW-TIMEY FACT-LORE: modern science (L./Fr.,-L.) NO-CAN-DO-NESS: inability (L./O.Fr.(Fr.)-L.) NON-RIGHT-WRONG-MONGER: anti-moralist (Gr.; L.) NORTH CHRISTIAN: protestant (Fr.-L.) NORTHERN-CHRIST-BELIEF: Protestantism (Fr.-L.) NORTHLANDS: Scandinavia (L.) NORTHMANISH: Scandinavian (L.) NORTHMEN: Scandinavians (L.) NORTH-PINKY: Scandinavian (L.) NORTH-ROSY-RACE-NESS: Scandinavian-ness (L.) NOT-CAN-SOME: impossible (L.) NOT-COUNTING: except (L.) NOW-Y: present (O.Fr.-L.) NUMBER-FULL: numerous (L.) OLD-FANGLED: old-fashioned (O.Fr.-L.) OLIVE-CROWNS: championships (Fr.,-Low W.-L.) OLIVE-WINNER: champion (Fr.,-Low L.-L.) ON-ADDED: extra (L.) ON-ADDMENT: addition (L.) ONCE-ONLY: unique (Fr.-L.) ON-DRAWSOME-NESSES: attractivenesses (L.) ONE-AGAINST-TOGETHER-METED: relative (L.) ONE-BODY: person (L.) ONE-BODY’S: person’s (L.) ONE-BODY-SHIP: personality (L.) ONE-BODY-SOME: personal (L.) ONE-WITH-ANOTHER-STRIVINGNESS: competition (L.) ORDER-OF-FOLLOWMENT: succession (L.(Fr.)) ORE-Y: metal (O.Fr.,-L.) OTHERS: differs (L.) OTHERSHIP: difference (L.) OTHERSOMELY: differently (L.) OTHERSOMENESS: differences (L.) OTHERY: different (L.) OUTCHOSEN: special (L.) OUTCHOSENLY: especially (O.Fr.,-L.) OUT-COUNTED: except (L.) OUT-COUNT-MENT: exception (L.) OUT-FIND-MENT: inventiveness (L.) OUT-FINDMENTS: inventions (L.) OUTFITTED: equipped (Fr.-O.N.) OUTFOUND: discovered (O.Fr.(L.)) OUTLAYS: expenses (L.) OUT-LOSS: failure (O.Fr.-L.; cf. Du.,Ger.) OUT OF ASKMENT: out of the question (O.Fr.,-L.) OUT-SINGLED: special (L.) OUT-SINGLED-LY: especially (O.Fr.-L.) OUT-SPREAD-SOME: expansive (L.) OUT-TESTMENT: examination (Fr.,-L.) OUT-TRY-TH: experiment (L.) OUT-WINTH: success (L.) OUT-WORKING: practicing (Obs. Fr.-L.-Gr.) OVER-AGAINING: repeating (Fr.-L.) OVER-AGAINSOME: repeated (Fr.-L.) OVERDONE-NESS: exaggeration (L.) OVERDOSOME: exaggerated (L.) OVERLIVED: survived (Fr.,-L.) OVER-LORDSHIP: supremacy (L.) OVERMINDSOME: genius (L.) OVER-SAYMENT: exaggeration (L.) OVER-SET: translated (O.Fr.-L.) OVER-SETTER: translator (O.Fr.-L.) OVER-SOUL: genius (L.) OVER-SOULS: geniuses (L.) OVER-SOULTH: genius (L.) OVERSOULY: genius (L.) OVER-TALKMENT: persuasion (L.) OWEMENTS: obligations (L.) PAID-AHEAD: in advance (O.Fr.-L.) PAID-JOBBER: professional (L.) PAID-JOB-CRAFT: professionalism (L.) PAID-JOBFUL: professional (L.) PAID-JOBSOME: professional (L.) PAIN-DULLERS: anaesthetics (Gr.) PAIN-RACKED: agonized (Gr.) PAIN-THOLED: suffered (L.) PAINT-LIKENESS: picture or portrait (L./O.Fr.-L.) PALE-BLOODEDNESS: anemia (Gr.) PART-GAINST-PART-METEMENT: proportions (L.) PARTY-REAL-RULE: government (O.Fr.-L.-Gr.) PASS-TALK: conversation (Fr.,-L.) PAST-HOARD-HOUSES: museums (L.-Gr.) PAST-LORE: history (L.-Gr.) PAST-LORIST: historian (L.Fr.) PAST-PALACE: museum (L.-Gr.) PAST-WIFE-UPKEEPTH: alimony (L.) PEN-PAINTED: described (L.) PHOTO-BOOKS: albums (L.) PIANO DOWN-BOILEDMENT: piano transcription (L.) PIANO-TONE-FEAST: piano recital (L.) PILED-UP: cumulative (L.) PILED-UP WONTS: accumulated habits (from L./Fr.,-L.) PITY-DRENCHED: compassionate (Fr.-L.) PITY-FAINTH: compassion (Fr.-L.) PLACE-TAKERS: substitutes (L.) PLACE-TOOK: was substituted for (L.) PLAIN-MADE: explained (O.Fr.-L.) PLAN-DREW: designed (Fr.-L.) PLANT-FOOD: vegetarian (O.Fr.,-L.L.-L.) PLANT-LORE: botany (Gr.; cf.L.) PLATO-CODESOME: platonic (Gr.) PLAY-FOR-FUN: amateur (Fr.,-L.) PLAY-HOUSE: theatre (Gr.) PLAY-HOUSE-LIKE: theatrical (Gr.) PLAY-HOUSE-SOME-LY: theatrically (Fr.) PLOT-TONE-ART: program music (Gr./Fr.-L.-Gr.) POMP-CROWD-FAINTH: love of social life (O.E.; Ger.; cf.L./Fr.,-L./O.E.; O.N., Swsed.; Ger.) POMP-FAIN: pompous (Fr.-L.-Gr.) POMP-GRAVE: dignified (LowL.) POMP-GRAVENESS: dignity (Fr.-L.) POMP-HERDSOME: social (Fr.,-L.) POMP-STANDING: social standing (Fr.,-L.) POMP-THRONG: society (Fr.,-L.) POMP-THRONG-SOME: social (Fr.,-L.) POWER CENTEREDNESS: centralisation (Fr.-L.-Gr.) POWER-FAINTH: lover of power (O.E.; Ger.; cf.L./O.Fr.-Low L.) POWER-SLONGHTH: rebelliousness (Fr.-L.) PRAISE-CLAPPED: applauded (L.) PRIDESHUNTH: humility (O.Fr.-L.) PRINT-FORTHMENT: issue (O.Fr.-L.) PUBLIC SALE: auction (L.) PUFF-BUGGIES: motor cars (L./Norm. Fr.-Low L.) PUFF-WAGONS: motor lorries (L./ Origin obscure) PULSE-BEAT: rhythmic (L.-Gr.) PULSE-LILT: rhythm (L.-Gr.) PUS-HOLE: abscess (l.) PUT-INSTEAD: substitute (L.) PUT-TOGETHER: compound (O.Fr., from L.) PUZZLE-TASKS: problems (Gr.) PUZZLE-WEFTY-NESS: complicatedness (L.) QUARREL-FAIN; argumentative (O.Fr.-L.) QUOTE-MENT: quotation (O.Fr.-Low L.-L.) QUOTE-MENTS: quotations (O.Fr.-LowL.-L.) RACE-BOOSTMENT RACE-HOWTH: racial qualities (O.Fr.-L.) RACE-HOWTHS: racial qualities (O.Fr.-L.) RACE-HYMNS RACK-PAIN: torture (L.L.) RACK-PAINFUL: agonising (Gr.) RAGE-INREINTH: control of rage (Fr.-L.) RAIN-STICKS: umbrellas (It.-L.) REAL-FEEL: realise (Low L.-L./Gr.,L.,Fr.) REALM-FOLK: nation (L.) REALM-KEENTH: patriotism (Gr.) REALM-OVERTHROW-MENTS: revolutions (L.L.-L.) REALM-SPEECH: language (Fr.-L.) REALM-STEERERS REAL-RULE: government (O.Fr.-L.-Gr.) REAL-SAW: realised (Low L.-L.) REAL-SEE: realise (Low L.-L.) REAL-SEEING: realising (Low L.-L.) REAL-SIGHT: realisation (Low L.-L.) RE-ARISEMENT: resurrection (L.) RE-BIRTH-AGESOME: Renaissance (Fr.,-L.) RE-BIRTHMENT: reincarnation (L./Low L.-L.) RECKON-CRAFT: arithmetic (Gr.) REDD: read (O.E.-Ger.) REDED: advised (O.Fr.) REDES: counsels (Fr.-L.) REDE-SEEK: consult (L.) REDE-SOUGHT: consulted (L.) RE-HEALTH-MENT: convalescence (L.) REKON: recognise (O.Fr.-L.) RE-KNOW: recognise (O.Fr.-L.) RIDDLE-KEY: theory (Gr.) RIDDLE-KNOTS: problems (Gr.) RIDDLE-REDD: read (O.E.-Ger.) RIDE-WHEEL: bicycle (formed from L. and Gr.) RIGHT-CODEISHNESS: morality (L.) RIGHT-CODE-LESS: immoral (L.) RIGHT-CODES: morals (L.) RIGHT-CODE-SHIP: morality (L.) RIGHT-CODE-SOME: moral (L.) RIGHT-CODESOME BE-TAINTMENT: moral contamination (L./L.) RIGHT-CODESOME OVER-TALKMENT: moral persuasion (L./L.) RIGHT-CODE-TH: morality (L.) RIGHT-SET: correct (L.) RIGHT-SIDE: mainstay (partly O.E., partly O.N.; influence of O.Fr. (L./ partly O.E.; partly O.Fr.) RIGHT-WISE-NESS: righteousness (O.E.) RILTHS: annoyances (O.Fr., perh. from L.) RIME-ART: poetry (Fr.-L.-Gr.) RIME-BOOK RIME-FORTHSAYMENT: elocution (Fr.,-L.) RIME-GAYS: poetry (Fr.-L.-Gr.) RIME-PIECES RIMESTERESS: poetess (Fr.-L.-Gr.) RING: circle (O.E.-L.) RING-CORE: center (Fr.-L.-Gr.) RISK-FRAUGHT: dangerous (O.Fr.-L.) ROMAN WORLD-POWER: Roman Empire (L./Fr.,-L.) ROME-CHRISTIANDOM: Catholicism (Gr.) ROME-CHRISTIANS: Catholics (Gr.) ROOM-MUSIC: chamber music (Fr.-L.-Gr.) ROOM-TONERY: chamber music (Fr.-L.-Gr./Fr.-L.-Gr.) ROOM-TONE-TOOLS: chamber orchestra (Fr.-L.-Gr./L.-Gr.) ROOT-REACHING: fundamental (Fr.,-L.) ROOT-STIRS: elemental instincts (L./L.) ROOT-THINGS: elements (L.) ROOT-TRUE: genuine (L.) ROSY-RACE-Y: Nordic (Fr.) ROUGH-WAlT-SOME: domineering (prob. through Du.-O.Fr.-L.) ROUND-RINGMENTS: circumstances or surroundings (L./O.Fr.-L.) ROUND-SCAPE: panorama (Gr.) ROUND-SWING: radius (L.) RUE: regret (O.Fr.) RUE-WORTHY: regrettable (O.Fr.) RULE-BY-THE-HIGH-BORN: aristocracy (Gr.) RULE-GIVERS: governors (O.Fr.-L.-Gr.) RULE-SMASHING: rebellious (Fr.-L.) RULE-SMASHING: revolution (L.L.-L.) RULE-THANE: governor (O.Fr.-L.-Gr.) RULE-TYPED: regular (L.) RUMBLED: drummed (Gmc.) RUT-MINDED: conventional (Fr.,-L.) RUT-THOTSOME: conventionally thinking (Fr.,-L./OE.; cog. with Ger.) RUT-THOUGHTS: conventions or platitudes (Fr.,-L./Fr.) RUT-TILTH: platitudinousness (Fr.) RUT-WONTED: conventional (Fr.,-L.) RUT-WONTSOME: conventional (Fr.,-L.) SALE-GAIN: profit (Fr.,-L.) SALES-BOOTING SAME-DEEM: agree (O.Fr.-L.) SAME-DEEMING: agreeing (O.Fr.-L.) SAME-TIMED: synchronised (Gr.) SAMPLE: example or instance (O.Fr.,-L.) SAMPLE-MENT: example (O.Fr.,-L.) SANDWASTES: deserts (O.Fr.-L.) SAX-REED: saxophone (Gr.) SCATHE-MISSING: escaping (O.Fr.(Fr.).-L.) SCENE-GEAR: scenery (L.-Gr.) SCORING-WONTS: scoring habits (Fr.,-L.) SCREW: propellor (L.) SCROLL-GAYS: patterns (Fr.) SEEABLE: visible (L.) SEE-KNOW: recognise (O.Fr.-L.) SEE-KNOW-ABLE: recognisable (O.Fr.-L.) SELF-ALTAR-SLAYTH: self sacrifice (L.) SELF-BEGUILTING: accusing (O.Fr.-L.) SELF-ENOUGHNESS: individualism (L.) SELF-FENDFULNESS: independence (L./Fr.-L.) SELF-FENDSOME: independent (L./Fr.-L.) SELF-FINDSOME: independent (L.Fr.-L.) SELFHOODSOME: original (Fr.-L.) SELF-FRILL-LUST SELF-KILL-TH: suicide (L.) SELF-LIKE-TH: self-portrait (O.Fr.-L.) SELF-SWAYTH: self-control (Fr.-L.) SELF-TRIEDNESS: experience (Fr.,-L.) SELF-TYPE: nature (Fr.,-L.) SELF-UP-OFFER-FUL: self sacrificial (L.) SELF-WRECKTH: self destruction (L.) SEND-WRIT: letter (Fr.-L.) SENSE-FLOUTING: preposterous (L.) SERVE-YEARNSOME SET: regular (L.) SETLY: regularly (L.) SET-UP: conditions (L.) SET-UP-MENTS: arrangements (O.Fr.-(L.)) SET-UPTH: establishment (O.Fr.-L.) SHAME-RATED: despised (O.Fr.-L.) SHAME-SHOCK: scandalise (L.-Gr.) SHAME-SMACKS: insults (L.) SHAM-TALK: pretend (Fr.-L.) SHAPE-ART: sculpture (L.) SHAPE-ARTERS: sculptors (L.) SHAPE-ART REPLICAS: statues (L.) SHAPE-GAYS: statues (L.) SHAPE-PIECE: statue (L.) SHARP-PAINING: torturing (L.L.) SHE-HIGH: soprano (It.-L.) SHE-HIGH FIDDLE: viola (O.Fr.-L.L.-L.) SHE-HIGH SAX-REED: soprano saxophone (It.-L./Gr.) SHE-LOW: contralto (It.) SHE-LOW FIDDLE: violin (O.Fr.-L.L.-L.) SHE-SOME: female (Fr.-L.) SHE-SWAY: female domination (Fr.-L./L.) SHIELDMENT: protection (L.) SHIELD-SOME: protective (L.) SHORTLY-AGOSOME: recent (L.) SHOW-AIR: aria (It.) SHOW-OFF TONE-GAY: concerto (It.) SHOW-TONEPIECE: concerto (It.) SHOW-UP: appear (through Fr., from L.) SHRUNK: condensed (L.) SHY-MOODEDNESS: modesty (L.) SICK-MONGER: hypochondriac (Gr.) SICK-TAINT: infect (L.) SIDE-MATCH: compare (Fr.,-L.) SIDE-MATCH-ABLE: comparable (Fr.,-L.) SIDE-MATCHED: compared (Fr.,-L.) SIDE-MATCH-SOME: comparatively (Fr.,-L.) SIDE-METEMENT: relation (L.) SIDE-RUNSOME: parallel (Gr.) SIDE-STEP: avoid (Fr./O.Fr.) SIDE-TAKING: partial (Fr.,-Low L.-L.) SIDE-WINDING: veering to the left or right (Fr.-L.L.) SING-BAND: chorus (L.-Gr.) SING-HOST: chorus (L.-Gr.) SING-HOST-GAYS: choruses (L.-Gr.) SINGLE-LINEDOM: unison (L.) SINGLE-REED: clarinet (Fr.,-L.) SINGLES: solos (Fr.,-L.) SING-LINES SING-PLAY: opera (It.,-L.) SING-TYPED: vocal (L.) SIN-TRAP: temptation (O.Fr.-L.) SIZE-BOOSTED: enlarged (O.Fr. (L.)) SKAITH-WILL: mischievousness (O.Fr.-L.) SKILL-MATCH: competition (L.) SKILL-MATCHMENT: competition (L.) SLIP-HORN: trombone (It.) SLIP-HORNIST: trombonist (It.) SLY-GUESS: suspect (L.) SLYNESS: deceit (L.) SMALL FLUTE: piccolo (It.) SMALL-POINTS: details (Fr.) SOME-AND-NO-OTHER: certain (O.Fr.-L.) SONG-THREAD: melody (Fr.,-Late L.-Gr.) SONG-TWO-SOMES: vocal duets (L./It.-L.) SOOTHE-WORD: comfort (O.Fr.-L.) SOUL-TILTH SOUL-TILTH-DOM: culture (L.) SOUL-TILTHFUL: cultural (L.) SOUL-TILTH WONTS: traditions (L.) SOUL-TUNES: melody (Fr.,-Late L.-Gr.) SOUND-DISKED: gramophoned (Gr.) SOUND-DISK-PLAYER: gramophone (Gr.) SOUND-STRENGTH SOUND-WAINS: tonal vehicles (L.-Gr./L.) SOUTH-SEA-STRAIGHT-HAIREDS: Polynesians (Gr.) SPARROW-GRASS: asparagus (L.-Gr.) SPEECH-SHIFTED: translated (O.Fr.-L.) SPEAK-LIKEMENTISHLY SPEAKING: figuratively speaking (Fr.-L.) SPEECH-COLOR: accent (Fr.,-L.) SPEECH-RIGHT-CODE: grammar (O.Fr.; from Low L.-Gr.) SPEECH-SHIFTED: translated (O.Fr.-L.) SPIRIT-KINDLED-NESSES: inspirations (L.) SPIRIT-LIT: inspired (L.) SPIRIT-LITNESS: inspiration (L.) SPLIT: movement (O.Fr.-L.) SPONGE-GUEST: parasite (Gr.) SPONGE-GUESTS: parasites (Gr.) SPONGE-GUESTFULNESS: parasitism (Gr.) SPONGE-GUESTSOME: parasitical (Gr.) SPOOK-AWES: superstitions (L.) SPOOK-CULT: spiritualism (L.) SPORT-FOR-FUN: amateur (Fr.-L.) SPRING-BACKFULL: elastic (Late Gr.) SPRING-BACK-RUBBER: elastic (Late Gr.) SPURT-MOODED: impulsive (L.) STAND-PATNESS: conservatism (L.) STAND-PATTERS: conservatives (L.) STAND-TAKE: insist (L.) STAND-TOOK: insisted (L.) STAR-PLAY: solo (It., L.) STARRED: solo (It.,L.) STATE-THANES: officials (Fr.-L.) STAYS ON: remains (O.Fr.-L.) STEADLY: local (L.) STEADSOMELY: locally (L.) STEAD-SPEECH: dialect (through Fr. and L. from Gr.) STONE-PORRIDGE: concrete (L.) STOOD-TO-IT: insisted (L.) STRAIN-TRYMENT: effort (Fr.,-L.) STRETCH-LITHE: elastic (Late Gr.) STRING-WIND-BAND: orchestra (L.-Gr.) STRONGLY-SELFED: strong personality (L.) SUED-MAN: defendant (L.) SUFFER-FAINTH: masochism (O.Fr.(Fr.)-Low L., prob Gmc.) SUNDAY-REDE: pious (L.) SUNDERABLE: separable (L.) SUNDEREDNESS: differentiation (L.) SUN-RAYSOMELY: radiantly (L.) SURE ENOUGH: certainly (O.Fr.-L.) SWAY-GINS: machines of influence (Fr.,-L.-Gr./O.Fr.,-Low L.-L.) SWOLLEN-HEADED: conceited (O.Fr.-L.) SWOLLEN-HEADED-NESS: conceit (O.Fr.-L.) TABLE-LISTED: tabulated (L.) TAKEN-UP-NESS: preoccupation (L.) TAKING-INTO-RECKONMENTS: considerations (Fr.-L.) TAKING THE EYES: appearing (through Fr., from L.) TAKING-UP-ARMS: championing (Fr.,-Low L.-L.) TALE-STRETCH: chapter (O.Fr.-L.) TALE-LORE: arithmetic (Gr.) TALI: number (Fr.-L.) TALK-DRIVE TALK-PLAY: conversation (Fr.-L.) TALK-THEMES: subjects (Fr.-L.) TALK-TOSSMENT: conversation (Fr.-L.) TALK-TUBE: phone (Gr.) TALK-WRESTLE: argue (O.Fr.-L.) TAME-BEASTS: animals (L.) TAME-LIGHTNING-LY: electrically (L.-Gr.) TAME-LIGHTNINGLY SOUND-BOOST: electrically amplify (L.-Gr.;L.) TEACH-BOSS: professor (L.) TEACH-BOUTS: lessons (Fr.-L.) TEACH-CRAFTER: educationalist (L.) TEACH-FUL: instructive (L.) TEACH-SPEAKERS: lecturers (L.) TEACH-SPEAKS: lectures (L.) TEACH-TALKING: lecturing (L.) TEACH-TALKS: lectures (L.) TEACH-WRIGHT: university professor (L./L.) TEAM-SOUND-CRAFT: harmony (through Fr. and L.,-Gr.) TEMPTEDNESS: temptation (O.Fr.-L.) TEMPTMENTS: temptations (O.Fr.-L./L.) TENDER: delicate (L.) TERM-SUNDERMENTS: distinctions (Fr.,-L.) THAT-TIME-SOME: current (L.) THEED: nation (L.) THEEDS: nations (L.) THEED-LIMB: member of a nation (Fr.-L./L.) THEED-THANES: diplomats (L.-Gr.) THEME-WRIT: article (L.) THE OTHER WAY ROUNDLY: on the contrary (L.) THING-MAWKS: sentiments about things (Fr.,-L.L.-L.) THING WORDS: nouns (Anglo-Fr.(O.Fr.-Fr.)-L.) THING-WORSHIP: materialism (L.) THITHERNESS: direction (L.) THOLE: endure (O.Fr.-L.) THOLE-ALL-SOME-NESS: endure allishness (O.Fr.-L.) THOLE-SOME: patient (Fr.,-L.) THOLE-SOME-LY: patiently (Fr.,-L.) THOLE-SOME-NESS: patience (Fr.,-L.) THOR-JUICE-Y: electrical (L.-Gr.) THORP-POMP-MINDEDNESS: parochialism (L.) THORPS: village (O.Fr.-L.; Gr.) THOT-CRAFT: philosophy (Gr.) THOTFUL-FOR-OTHERS: considerate (Fr.,-L.) THOT-KNOTS: problems (Gr.) THOT-LORE MEN: philosophers (Gr.) THOT-RIPPLE-SPREADTHS: mental influences (Fr.,-L./O.Fr.,-Low L.-L.) THOT-SPROUT: occur to (L./O.E.; Ger.) THOT-WITHDRAWNNESS: abstraction and life-spurning (L./O.E.; O.N.; Ger./O.E./OE./O.E. cog with Ger.) THOUGHT-CAMPS THOUGHT-CAST: idea (L.-Gr.) THOUGHT-GERM: idea (L.-Gr.) THOUGHT-WONTS THRAWN-NESS: obstinacy (L.) THRILL-SEARCH: adventure (O.Fr.-L.) THROWN-IN-PIECES: encores (Fr. (It.)-perh. from L.) THRU-TRIAL: rehearsal (O.Fr.(Fr.)-L.) THRU-TRIED: rehearsed (O.Fr.(Fr.)-L.) THUS-HAPPENMENT: situation (Low L.-L.) THWARTSOME: unfavourable (O.E.; cf.Ger./O.Fr.,-L.) THWART-WISE: counter (Fr.-L.) TIME-BEAT: conducted (L.) TIME-BEATER: conductor (L.) TIME-BEATERS: conductors (L.) TIME-MATE-ERY: contemporaneousness (L.) TIME-MATES: contemporaries (L.) TIME-SPECKS: moments (L.) TIME-STRETCHES: periods (Fr.-L.-Gr.) TIME-STRICTNESS: punctuality (L.L.) TIME-TO-ONESELF-DOM: leisure (O.Fr.0L.) TIT-FOR-TATNESS: revenge (O.Fr.(Fr.)-L.) TO-COME: future (Fr.-L.) TO-COME-SOME: future (adj.) (Fr.-L.) TOGETHER-COME-TH: combination (L.) TOGETHER-PUT-MENT: combination (L.) TONE-ART: music (Fr.-L.-Gr.) TONE-ARTERS: musicians (Fr.-L.-Gr.) TONE-ART-JUDGE: music critic (Fr.-L.-Gr./Gr.) TONE-ART-MAKING: music-making (Fr.-L.-Gr.) TONE-ARTSOME: musical (Fr.-L.-Gr.) TONE-ARTSOME TEAM-WORK: musical ensembles (Fr.-L.-Gr./Fr.-L.) TONE-ARTY: musical (Fr.-L.-Gr.) TONE-BACKGROUND: accompaniment (Fr.) TONE-BILL-OF-FARE: program (Gr.) TONE-BIRTH: composing (Fr. From L.) TONE BLENDS TONE-BOUT: movement (O.Fr.-L.) TONE-BOUTS: movements (O.Fr.-L.) TONE-BIRTHERS: creative musicians (L./Fr.-L.-Gr.) TONE-CHAINS: (musical) passages (Fr.-L.-Gr./Fr.-L.) TONE-CLUSTER-CRAFT: harmony or harmonies (through Fr. and L.,-Gr.) TONE-CLUSTER-DOM: harmony (through Fr. and L.,-Gr.) TONE-CLUSTER-FULL: harmonious (through Fr. and L.,-Gr.) TONE-CLUSTER-MENT: harmony (through Fr. and L.,-Gr.) TONE-CLUSTER-SHIP: harmony (through Fr. and L.,-Gr.) TONE-DISKED: gramophoned (Gr.) TONE-DULLNESS TONE-ECHO-MENT: canonical imitation (O.E.-L.-Gr.; L.) TONE-FEAST: concert or festival (It./L.) TONE-FEAST-BOOKER: concert manager (It./It.-L.) TONE-FEAST GIVERS: concert givers (It.) TONE-FEAST-GIVING: concert-giving (It.) TONE-FEAST FLAT-FRAME: concert platform (It./Fr.) TONE-FOESOME: hostile to music (L./Fr.-L.-Gr.) TONE FORTH-PLAYERS: performing musicians (Anglo-Fr.-O.Fr.-(L.)/Fr.-L.-Gr.) TONE-GAY: piece of music (O.Fr.-Low L./Fr.-L.-Gr.) TONE-GIFTEDNESS: a talent for music (L.-Gr./Fr.-L.-Gr.) TONE-GIFTS: musical talents (Fr.-L.-Gr./L.-Gr.) TONE-GROUPS TONE-HALL: music hall (Fr.-L.-Gr.) TONE-KNIGHT TONE-LEADING: conducting (L.) TONE-LOVING FOLK-MASS: musical public (Fr.-L.-Gr./L.) TONE-MASTERS: composers (Fr. From L.) TONE-MEN: musicians (Fr.-L.-Gr.) TONE-MILL TONE MIND-TILTH: musical education (Fr.-L.-Gr./L.) TONE-PLAY: opera (It.-L.) TONE-RANGE TONE-RICH: sonorous (L.) TONERY: music (Fr.-L.-Gr.) TONE-SHOW: concert (It.) TONE-SHOWS: concerts (It.) TONE-SOUNDERS: singers and players performing (O.E.; Ger.; O.E.; Anglo -Fr.-O.Fr.(L.)) TONE-STRANDS: voices, parts (Fr.-L/O.E. and Fr.-L.) TONE-STRENGTH-CREST: climax (Gr.) TONE-STRETCHES: (musical) passages (Fr.-L.-Gr./Fr.-L.) TONE-STUFFS TONE-THOUGHTS TONE-TOOL: instrument (L.) TONE-TOOLS: instruments (L.) TONE-TRY-OUTS: musical experiments (Fr.-L.-Gr./L.) TONE-WORKS: compositions (Fr., from L.) TONE-WRIGHT: composer (Fr., from L.) TONE-WRIGHT-FRIEND TONE-WRITING: musical notation (Fr.-L.-Gr./L.) TONGUE-PAINTED: described (L.) TONGUE-WONT: accent (Fr.,-L.) TOOTHSMITH: dentist (Fr.-L.) TOOTHSMITHDOM: dentistry (Fr.-L.) TOP-LAYER: surface (Fr.,(L.)) TOP-LAYERSOME: surface (Fr.,(L.)) TOP-MAN: president (Fr.-L.) TOP-POINT: climax (Gr.) TO THE FORE: prominent (L.) TOUCH-AGAINSTMENTS: contacts (L.) TOUR-BOSS: manager (It.-L.) TOWARDNESSES: directions (L.) TOWARDS-NESS: direction (L.) TOWN-SKILLDOM: civilisation (L.) TOWN-SKILLSOME: civilised (L.) TOWN-SKILLSOMENESS: civilisation (L.) TOWN-SKILL-THY: civilised (L.) TOWN-SKIRTS: suburbs (L.) TOWN-SKIRTSOME: suburban (L.) TOWN-CRIERS: commercial advertisers (Fr.,-L./Fr.,-L.) TRADE-CRY-SOME PAINTERS: commercial artists (Fr.,-L./Fr., It.-L.) TRADE-CRYTH: advertisement (Fr.-L.) TRADE-FOR-GAIN-LIFE: capitalism (O.Fr.-L.) TRADE-HERALDRY: advertising (Fr.,-L.) TRADE-HOME: office (Fr.,-L.) TRAIN-GARTHS: stations (Fr.,-L.) TRAIN-ROOMS: compartments (Fr.,-L.) TRAIN-YARD: station (Fr., -L.) TREAD-WHEEL: bicycle (L. And Gr.) TRIBE-FATHERLY: patriarchal (Gr.) TRIBE-FATHERLY GIVE-WILLINGNESS: patriarchal generosity (Gr./Fr.-L.) TRIBESOME MINDED: tribal (L.) TRICKY-WEFTED: complicated (L.) TROTH-BREAKSOME: treacherous (O.Fr.) TROTH-GAVE: promised (L.) TROTH-SAID: promised (L.) TRUTH-NEATLY: exactly (L.) TRUTH-SIDE-STEP-MENT: avoidance of truth (Fr.L./O.Fr.) TRY-OUT-MENTS: experiments (L.) TRYTH: attempt (O.Fr.-L.) TRYTHS: attempts (O.Fr.-L.) TUNEFUL-HIT-TONERY: tuneful percussion (L.-Gr./L.) TUNES: melodies (Fr.,-Lte L.-Gr.) TWAID: second (Fr.,-L.) TWEEN-LANDSOME: international (L.) TWEEN-LARDED: interlarded (L.) TWEEN-LOPERS: interlopers (prob.L.) TWEEN-PLAY: interlude (L.) TWEEN-THEED-SOME: international (L./L.) TWEEN-THREAD-SOME: international (L./L.) TWEEN-TWINE-SOME: intertwining (polyphony) (L./O.E./Gr./Gr.) TWI-BARTERMENT: compromise (Fr.-L.) TWI-DEALT: divided (L.) TWI-DEEM: disagree (L./O.Fr.-L.) TWI-TALK: conversation (Fr.,-L.) TWO-FORK-SLING: catapult (L.-Gr.) TWO-SOME: duet (It.-L.) TYPE-CLEFTNESS: contrast (Fr.-L.) TYPESUNDERED: contrasted (Fr.-L.) TYPE-TRUE: typical (Fr.-L.-Gr.) UNARTSOME: inartistic (L./Fr.,It.-L.) UNAWARESOME: unconscious (O.E./L.) UN-BE-ENDED: unfinished (O.E./Fr.-L.) UNCHANCE-FOR-ALL-FULLNESS: undemocraticness (O.E./Fr.-Gr.) UNDERGROUNDSOME: artesian (L.) UNDERLINEDNESS: over emphasis (O.E.; Ger., L., Gr./Gr.) UNDERSTONES: foundations (Fr.-L.) UNDER-THE-SKINNISH: intimate (L.) UN-DO-WITIHOUT-ABLE: indispensable (Low L.) UN-EARNT HOLY-PILLAR: undeserved pedestal (O.E./O.Fr.-L. / Fr.-It.-(L.)) UNFAVOREDNESS: unpreparedness (O.E./Fr.-L.) UN-FEALTY UNFOLDMENT: development (Fr.; of obscure origin) UN-FOLK-PLEASE-SOME: unpopular (O.E./L.) UN-FRE-WEENED: unexpected (O.E./L.) UN-FRITHSOME: unnatural (O.E./L.) UNHANDY: inconvenient (Fr.) UNHEEDSOME: disobey (O.Fr. (L.)/Fr.-L.) UN-HIDE: reveal (O.Fr.(Fr.)-L.) UN-HOSTFULL: inhospitable (O.Fr.,-Low L.) UN-INDWELLSOME: un-native (O.E./L.) UN-LIVE-IN-ABLE: uninhabitable (O.E./l.) UN-LOOKED-FOR-LY: unexpectedly (O.E.; cf. L./L.) UNMANKINDLINESS: unhumaneness (O.E./Fr.-L.) UN-METE-ABLE: unmeasurable (O.E./O.Fr.-L.) UN-ONE-BODY-SOME: impersonal (L./L.) UNREGULAR: irregular (O.Fr.-Low L.) UN-RIGHT-CODE-SOME: immoral (L./L.) UN-RULE-TYPED: irregular (O.Fr.-Low L.) UN-SEEABLE: invisible (Fr.,-L.) UN-SET: irregular (O.Fr.-Low L.) UN-SLIGHT: considerable (Fr.,-L.) UN-SUNDERABLE: inseparable (L./L.) UN-THOLE-SOME: impatient (L./Fr.,-L.) UN-THOLE-SOME-NESS: impatience (L./Fr.,-L.) UN-UNDERSTOOD: misunderstood (O.E.; O.Fr. (L.)) UN-UP-CLEAR-ABLE: inexplicable (allied to O.E. ‟Un‶/L.) UN-WISE-WORTHY: undesirable (O.E.;L./Fr.-L.) UN-WITHSTANDABLE: irresistible (L.) UN-WONT-BOUND: unconventional (O.E./Fr.,-L.) UP-BEARING: supporting (L.) UP-BEARINGNESS: supportingness (L.) UP-BUILD-SOME: constructive (L.) UP-CLEAR: explain (O.Fr.-L.) UP-CLEAR-ABLE: explainable (O.Fr.-L.) UP-CLEARING: explaining (O.Fr.-L.) UP-CLEAR-WORD: explanation (O.Fr.-L.) UP-HEARTENMENT UP-HET: excited (Fr.-L.) UP-HET-MENT: excitement (Fr.,-L.) UP-KEEPINGLY: continuously (Fr.,-L.) UP-MAKE-STUFF: ingredient (L.) UP-MAKING: constituent (L.) UP-MAKTHS: ingredients (L.) UP-OFFER-FUL: sacrificial (L.) UP-WON: admit (through Fr. from L.) UP-RISE: rebellion (Fr.-L.) UP-RISE-SOME: rebellious (Fr.-L.) UP-RISE-SOME-NESS: rebelliousness (Fr.-L.) UP-STOCKING: replenishing (O.Fr.-L.) USE-FAIN: practical (Obs. Fr.-L.-Gr.) UTTERNESSES: extremes (O.Fr.-L.) VEIN-SWELTH: varicose (L.) VIE-MENT: competition (L.) VOICE-ONLY: a cappella (It.) VOICE-ONLY-SOME: a cappella (It.) WALT: rule (O.Fr.(Fr.)-L.) WALT-SOME: domineering (prob through Du.-O.Fr.-L.) WANTON-MOODED: temperamental (L.) WARESOME: conscious (L.) WATER-STRAIGHT: horizontal (Fr., from Gr.) WAY-BACK-TIME: antiquity (L.; influenced by Fr.) WAY-FELLOWED: accompanied (Fr.) WEAL-HEEDTH: consideration (Fr.,-L.) WEAL-OUTHANDING: benevolence (through Fr. from L.) WEAL-PLANS: intentions (O.Fr.-L.) WEATHER-KIND: climate (O.Fr.-Gr.) WED-ENDMENT: divorce (Fr.-L.) WED-QUITTING: divorcing (Fr.-L.) WED-SLOUGHED: divorced (Fr.-L.) WED-SUNDERED: separated (L.) WELCOME-MEET: reception (L.) WELL-DEEM: approve of (O.Fr.-L./O.E.; Du.,Ger.,L.,Gr.) WELL-DEEM-MENT: approval (O.Fr.,-L.) WELL-DOINGS: virtues (O.Fr.,-L; cf. Gr.,Sans.) WENDEL-SEAISH: Mediterranean (L.) WENDELSEA-TYPED: Mediterranean (L.) WHALE-LETS: porpoises (O. Fr. -L.) WHENCE-COME-NESS: origin (Fr.-L.) WHENCE-NESS: origin (Fr.-L.) WHIM-HEARD: humoured (O.Fr.-L.) WHITHERNESS: direction (L.); destination (Fr.,-L.) WHY-GROUND: reason (Fr.-L.) WIDE-BORE BRASS: cornets, saxhorns, baritones, tubas (Fr.-L./ ‟Sax‶ + O.E.; Scand. and Ger., Gael, and W., L., Gr./Fr.-Gr./L.) WIDE-OWNTH: estate (O.Fr.(Fr.)-L.) WILD-ANGRY: furious (O.Fr.-L.) WILL-DROVE: insisted (L.) WIND-AND-STRING-BAND: orchestra (L.-Gr.) WIND-BANDS: military bands (L.) WINDPIPE-COLD: bronchitis (Gr.) WIRE-CODE: telegraph (Gr.) WIRE-SENDMENTS: telegrams (Gr.) WISE-SAW: proverb (Fr.-L.) WISH-STILTH: satisfaction (O.Fr.-L.) WISH-WORTHINESS: desirability (Fr.-L.) WISH-WORTHY: desirable (Fr.-L.) WITHDRAWN: retired (Fr.) WITHSTANDABLE: resistible (L.) WITHSTANDMENT: resistance (L.) WONDER-STRUCK: amazed (O.E. ‟Amasian‶) WONT-BLIND: blind to convention (Fr.,-L.) WONT-BOUND: conventional (Fr.,-L.) WONT-BOUNDNESS: habitualness (Fr.,-L.) WONTS: traditions (L.) WONTSOME: usual (L.) WOOD-WORKER: carpenter (O.Fr.-Low L.) WOO-MENT WORD-CHAIN: sentence (Fr.-L.) WORD-DWELLING WORD-PARTS: syllables (L.-Gr.) WORD-POINT: allude (L.) WORD-PRESS WORD-SHAMED: reviled (O.Fr.-L.) WORD-SOUNDING: pronouncing (Fr.-L.) WORD-STROVE: remonstrated (L.) WORD-TAGS: syllables (L.-Gr.) WORD-TROTH: promise (L.) WORD-LINKS: hyphens (Gr.) WORD-WRESTLE-MENTS: arguments (O.Fr.-L.) WORK-BEFREEDNESS: leisure (O. Fr.-L.) WORK-GIVER: employer (Fr.-L.) WORK-GUILD: trade-union (M.E.; akin to O.E./Fr.-L.) WORK-GUILD SPOKESMEN: trade-union delegates (M.E.; akin to O.E./ Fr.-L. / L.) WORK-JOBLIKE: professional (L.) WORKMEN‵S LEAGUES: trade unions (M.E.; akin to O.E./Fr.-L./L.) WORK-OUTING: practising (Obs. Fr.-L.-Gr.) WORK-RIDDING AT-FINDMENTS: work-saving inventions (Fr.-Low L.-L./L.) WORLD DEAF-HEARING: world ignoring (L.) WORLD-JOY-QUAFFERS: enjoyers of the world (O.Fr.(L.); O.Fr.-L.) WORLD-REALM: Empire (Fr.-L.) WORLDWIDE-MOODED: international (L./L.) WORLD-WIDE-NESS: cosmopolitanism (Gr.) WORLD WISDOM: grasp of world worths (M.E./O.E. (Ger.)) WORSHIP-MOODED: reverent (O.Fr.(Fr.)-L.) WORSHIP-PRIZEMENTS: admirations (Fr.-L.) WORST-WEIGHSOME: critical (Gr.) WORTH-EARN: deserve (O.Fr.-L.) WORTH-PRIZED: admired (Fr.-L.) WORTH-PRIZEFUL: admiratious (Fr.-L.) WORTH PRIZE-WORTHY: worthy of admiration (Fr.-L.) WORTHS: values (O.Fr., Fr., -L.) WORTH-SEEING: appreciative (L.) WORTH-WEIGHERS: critics (Gr.) WORTH-WEIGHFULNESS: criticalness (Gr.) WORTH-WEIGHINGLY: critically (Gr.) WORTH-WEIGHSOME: critical (Gr.) WOULD-HAPS WRECKFULLNESS: destruction (L.) WRECK-LUST: joy in destruction (Fr. (cf. It.)-L./L.) WRECKSOMELY: disastrously (O.Fr.(L.)-L., Gr.) WRIT-GROOMED: edited (L.) WRIT-MISTRESS: secretary (L.L.) WRIT-POLISH: edit (L.) WRIT-STORED: recorded (O.Fr.-L.) WRONG-REPAYER: revenger (O.Fr.(Fr.)-L.) YEARBOOKS: annuals (L.L.) YEAR-HUNDRED: century (L.) YEA-SOME: affirmative or positive (O.Fr.-L./L.) YEA-SOME HUNGERS: positive appetites (L./through Fr. from L.) |