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Members' Meeting

February 20 Virtual Tour
of the PGH&S 

Sanctuary, Shelter, Stage

Please join us on February 20, 2025 as we continue our series of member programs highlighting the historic home Percy and Ella Grainger shared in White Plains, New York. Hosted by Curt Ebersole, this virtual event via Zoom begins at 4 pm Eastern Standard Time.

Curt welcomes guests Gwendolyn Bradley and Steven Willemann for a virtual tour of the Percy Grainger Home & Studio. Gwendolyn made her Metropolitan Opera debut in 1981, performing as a solo artist for nine seasons, additionally gracing European stages, performing and recording with notable conductors throughout her illustrious career. Now a dedicated vocal instructor, she is married to Steven Willemann, an educator in New York City.

This is a wonderful opportunity to connect with fellow members, learn more about Percy Grainger's legacy, and appreciate the significance of the spaces he inhabited. Whether you are a long-time member or new to our community, your presence will enrich our discussions and celebrations.

Register for the February 20 Virtual Tour

Feature of Note

Preview: 5th Annual Spring Open House Featuring Restless Corners Opening Reception

2025 Spring Open House

The Percy Grainger Home and Studio is pleased to announce the 5th annual Spring Open House featuring the opening reception for Restless Corners, a site-specific art installation. The event, free to the public, will take place on Sunday April 6, from 2-4 pm at the historic house located at 7 Cromwell Place in White Plains. 

Restless Corners, created by ArtsWestchester Arts Alive Grant recipient Joel Sherry, is a series of sculptural video objects placed throughout the house. Inspired by both the building and Grainger’s life, the works incorporate performance, sound, photography, drawing, found objects and Percy Grainger's own musical compositions. The sculptures integrate reclaimed monitors and projectors using video played in an atmosphere of looping movement, light and sound.

Above: "Kitchen Cups," part of the Restless Corners art installation at the Percy Grainger Home and Studio.

Joel Sherry and members of the dance performance group Teatolocal (Joel Sherry, Cynthia Bueschel Svigals, Michelle Kelly Wurf) have collaborated in the creation of Restless Corners. The exhibition explores how individuals move through space, impacting the environment and objects of that space, leaving traces of our brief time, creating an imprint on the physical presence of space. In creating Restless Corners, visual and performance artist Joel Sherry connects diverse audiences using a multimedia piece that fuses visual art, performance, and music in surprising combinations. 

For additional information on our 5th Annual Open House and Restless Corners art installation, follow this link to the event press release.

While the event is free and open to the public, space limitations require registration. Register now for this exciting annual event at the PGH&S!

Register for the 5th Annual Open House

*Restless Corners was made possible by a generous Individual Artist-Arts Alive Grant through ArtsWestchester.

At the Home & Studio

Strategic Plan Update

The Board of Directors of the Percy Grainger Society is committed to strategic planning as a vital component of our future growth and effectiveness. Currently, we are in the formative stages of this process, having engaged in multiple meetings with a consultant through the Documentary Heritage and Preservation League for New York. Together, we are designing a comprehensive survey to gather valuable insights from our members and stakeholders. Your opinions and feedback will play a crucial role in shaping our direction and initiatives, ensuring that we align our efforts with the community's needs and aspirations for the Society. Your voice matters!

Save the Date

April 27, 2025:
Sunday Tour with Restless Corners Creator, Joel Sherry

Sunday Tour with Joel Sherry

Joel Sherry will lead the next Sunday Tour of the Percy Grainger Home and Studio on April 27, 2025 at 2 pm EST. Mr. Sherry will discuss the Restless Corners art installation at the Percy Grainger Home & Studio, highlighting the exhibit’s video sculptures throughout the house.

The event is part of the ongoing series, Third Sundays. It is free and open to the public. Due to space limitations, registration is encouraged.

The Percy Grainger Home & Studio’s Third Sundays series is an outreach initiative designed to welcome diverse groups through focused, thematic tours. Led by volunteers, the tours are part education, part interpretation, and a fun, informative alternative to the traditional historic house tour. Additional information on Third Sundays is available here.

About Joel Sherry

Joel Sherry is an artist, designer, builder and choreographer. He received a BFA in Theatrical Design from California Institute of the Arts. As a multi-disciplinary artist working in the areas of design, visual art, and choreography, he creates paintings, sculptures, installations and live performance. As a designer, he has created environments for theater, dance, corporate entertainment and themed attractions. He currently works for SUNY New Paltz as Technical Director of the Performing Arts Department. Teatolocal is the current iteration of his collaboration with Cynthia Bueschel Svigals & Michelle Kelly Wurf.

Register for the April 27 Sunday Tour

Happy Valentine's Day from the Percy Grainger Home & Studio!

Above: A small note from Ella to Percy currently on the door of Percy's bedroom at the Home & Studio in White Plains, NY.

Follow this link to learn more about how you can view this and so much more when you plan a visit!

Event Key

The Percy Grainger Society is pleased to offer both live and virtual events. You can easily determine if the events listed in this newsletter are live or virtual by the color of the registration button:

  green for live events  

  blue for virtual events  

The Percy Grainger Society

7 Cromwell Place | White Plains, New York 10601




Our mission is to promote the work and legacy of Percy Grainger with a membership community that preserves his historic house, encourages appreciation performance of his music, and promotes a deeper understanding of the cultural, social, and economic context of his life and work.


(914) 281-1610


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